Saturday, May 2, 2009

Three Favorite Poems

Three Poems by Edwin Markham

For all your days prepare,
And meet them ever alike:
When you are the anvil, Bear--
When you are the hammer, Strike.

He drew a circle that shut me out--
Heretic, a rebel, a thing to flout.
But Love and I had the wit to win:
We drew a circle that took him in!


When Duty comes a-knocking at your gate
Welcome him in; for if you him bid wait
He will depart only to come once more
And bring seven other duties to your door

Friday, May 1, 2009

"Be yourself, everyone else is already taken." Oscar Wilde

Thursday, April 30, 2009

"Tea is drunk to forget the din of the world." ~T'ien Yiheng

Why use blogs in the classroom?

Throughout the course of this semester, we have incorporated the use of blogs into our course work. This is the first time I have ever done anything like this. Now that I have done this myself and have had time to reflect on how blogs are used, I like the ideas of using blogs very much. I have found that there are many possible instructional uses for blogs in the classroom. For example, many teachers require students to hand in hard copies of journal entries. This creates a lot of loose paper a teacher must keep track of. Instead of using this traditional method, blog entries could function the same way without the hassle, plus they would be posted online for future reference. Blogs also show the date and time of which they are posted, therefore the teacher would be able to tell if the assignment was completed on time. Another example would be for students to present certain assignments as a blog. In this way students can change the colors, design, and publish their work. Students are allotted more options for aesthetic presentation and are able to publish their work on the Internet. Blogs provide many advantages over traditional forms. However, before teachers decide to use blogs, or any other types of media in the classroom, they must be sure all students have equal access to computers and the internet. They must not assume all students have equal computer knowledge. In addition, teachers must have the right motives for using blogs. They should not use blogs because they are the latest fad, or to cut corners in instruction, or because using blogs is something the teacher enjoys. Blogs should be used because it is one way to bring out the best in students’ writing.
Overall, I think the use of blogs in the classroom has proven to be a key tool in integrating technology and improving aspects for both students and teachers.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

La Bella Figura

In Italy, the philosophy of La Bella Figura rules the land, especially in the south. Bella Figura means “the beautiful figure” but is actually a way of life emphasizing beauty, good image, aesthetics and proper behavior.

But La Bella Figura is more than merely dressing well, looking good and admiring fine art. It is an etiquette system as well. La Bella Figura also means acting properly, knowing the rules of etiquette, presenting oneself with, and being aware of, the proper nuances Italian society demands. It is how to act and how to behave under particular circumstances. It is knowing what is appropriate and when, it is knowing what is of high quality and taste versus what is too cheap.

La Bella Figura is also loyalty. Italians have a strong sense of loyalty to their family, friends, neighbors and business partners. Behaving properly, appropriately and respectfully is crucial to maintaining the right air of Bella Figura both in family situations as well as in the business world.

La Bella Figura is both a demureness and formality and is thoroughly entrenched in the culture of Italy, especially in the southern portion of the country. It is believed that practicing La Bella Figura enhances beauty and peace in the world.

Friday, April 24, 2009

So you think you can type?

Click on this website to test your typing skills.

A good place to start if you feel you type fairly well is

-Click on free typing test

-Click on # 26 Classic tales

-Click on the one minute test

and go....

If you tell me your score I will tell you mine....

Friday, April 17, 2009

What are three things very few people know about you?

Here's my list....

1. I love to paint. I have sold some paintings for amounts that were more than my yearly salary as a teacher.

2. I can play the piano, the accordion, and the xylophone.

3. I once owned a restaurant.

Now........... your turn!