Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Where will our writers come from?

In order to close the achievement gap for socioeconomically disadvantaged and culturally
diverse students, we must know the statistics.

• Of every 100 Asian kindergartners, 94 will graduate from high school, 80 will complete
some college, and 49 will obtain at least a bachelor’s degree.

• Of every 100 Black kindergartners, 87 will graduate from high school, 54 will complete
at least some college, and 16 will earn a bachelor’s degree.

• Of every 100 Latino kindergartners, 62 will graduate from high school, 29 will complete
some college, and 6 will obtain a bachelor’s degree.

• Of every 100 white kindergartners, 91 will graduate from high school, 62 will complete
at least some college, and 30 will obtain at least a bachelor’s degree.

Three major factors are listed that will improve the educational opportunities for students.
They are caring relationships, high expectations, and opportunities for participation and
contribution. Within these factors, students need access to challenging curriculum and
instruction, high quality teachers, and extra supports.

Williams, Belinda. Closing the Achievement Gap, ASCD 2003

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